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2012/02/18 Leona Naess、Leslie Mendelson、 Lily Allen Lobo 等人 的歌曲
威大將愛玩樂 - -
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Part 1 介紹的歌曲有:
1. Leona Naess 的歌曲:"Calling"
2. Leslie Mendelson 的歌曲:"I Know You Better Than That"
3. Lifehouse 的歌曲:"You And Me"
4. The Lightning Seeds 的歌曲:"Tales Of The Riverbank"
5. Lily Allen 的歌曲:
"The Fear"
"Knock 'Em Out"

Part 2 介紹的歌曲有:
1. Lily Allen 的歌曲:"Not Fair"
2. Lisa Loeb 的歌曲:
"Fools Like Me"
"I Control The Sun"
"Now I Understand"
"Stay (I Missed You)"
3. Lobo 的歌曲:"I'd Love You To Want Me"
4. The Long Winters 的歌曲:"Cinnamon"
5. Love Psychedelico 的歌曲:"Moonly"

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